Caulking, Insulation, Screening, Attic Lighting, Concrete Patching
Days Seventy Two Through Seventy Three , 04-05 January, 2016
One of the benefits of catching a day with sunshine is that even if it's not shining directly on an object, you can still receive a hint as to what's going on. Such as where the caulking has missed or failed to bond with neighboring pieces. If you look closely below, you'll find several places where the silicone caulk didn't adhere quite properly, or in some instances aware
Caulking Gaposis in North Gable |
There's a few small caulking holes in the south gable end, although they don't show up in this photo.
More Gaposis South Gable |
Some little things in the overhead that still need to be taken care of - e.g., the LED pot light over the shower. That'll be solved some time today.
Shower Light Yet to Be Set Up |
One new addition near and dear to my heart for some reason, lights - one at each end of the attic.
Attic Light Installed |
And, a switch for the same two lights close to the access hatch for the attic. Wiring for those lights and the switch still needs to be stapled in place.
Attic Light Switch |
This is a detail shot where the electrical conduit goes from the breaker box, outside and up to the roof. Hole still needs to be patch with mortar.
Mortar Patc Needed Where Conduit Enters Behind Breaker Box |
Same holds true for where the conduit passes through to the roof.
Concrete Patch Neede Conduit to Roof |
Where the conduit passes through the wood gable on the north end, that needs caulking.
Caulking Needed Around Conduit Coming In |
As do the bolt heads anchoring the gable trusses.
Caulk Needed Over Bolt Heads |
We're getting closer now. The R-19 Kraft paper-backed fiberglass insulation of going up smoothly. I think this is in the office.
Insulation Going In |
Simutaneously, George has been busy assembling the frames for the walkway and veranda screens.
George Assembling Screen Frames |
Probably not the most comfortable working location around, but necessary to make sure the insulation is spread properly.
Up In the Attic |
The fiberglass insulation is fairly easy to work with, especially when you use a machete as a saw to trim it to length and width. The guys had asked me what was a good trick to avoid itching caused by the insulation. I only knew about wearing long sleeves and long pants and showering. The clothing didn't reall impress them that much, and they didn't think the showering on its own was very effective.
I looked up on the Intertubes about the issue. Opinions seemed to be split on the benefits of hot vs. cold showers after working with the stuff. I did find out that most pros recommended using talcum or baby powder applied liberally before working with the stuff, was fairly effective. You have to be sure to really rub it in around the neck and cuffs of shirts. And, after a shower, a popular recommendation was to rub down affected areas with coconut oil. So, I passed all that information on to the guys.
Insulation As It Comes Out Of the Pac |
Here's another view of the office insulation. It's already making things look more official.
More Office Insulation |
Some more items that need attention. The conduit pipe, in addition to needing caulking as it enters the wood of the gable, needs to be painted with the chocolate brown that was used for the soffit work.
Conduit Needs Painting |
Sure signs of reaching the end of the project. A stack of green board drywall, for use in the bathroom, walkways, and veranda, since it's water resistant, and those areas are more subject to water incursion than in the house proper.
Green board Drywall Sheets |
And regular drywall, that will be used everywhere else throughout the house.
Drywall Sheets |
This morning, the guys look like a bunch of terrorists. Tee shirt masks offer some protection from fiberglass dust.
Fiberglass Dust Protection |
Another sign of progress - the trial fitting of the screen frames all around the house.
Screen Frames West Side Trial Fitting |
As Carl and I were walking up to the house this morning, we heard a commotion and looked up in time to see a section of insulation and furring strips coming down. Apparently Omar and a couple of the guys were attempting to adjust the spacing of one or the other and, oops, down it came. An easy fix getting it back up, just meant a bit more secure with screwing it into place.
Furring Strip Adjustment Fail |
Just this afternoon I heard what sounded like screws going in, so I headed back down to the project, and there it is, actual drywall going up on the ceiling in the office. Man does that give the place a finished look. What a difference!
Office Getting Drywall on the Ceiling |
Here's a little larger view. By now, that hole has probably been filled with drywall. Progress is moving right along.
Carl said the guys are going to be doing the banging stuff during the day and mudding and taping, etc., in the evenings, so things should move fast.
Office Ceiling Drywall Almost Complete |
And, speaking of fast, the office ceiling is now done, and now they're
almost done with the living room. In fact, by now, they're probably
drywalling the bedroom.
Here, they've got two more pieces to hang in the living room. They're beginning to trim a sheet to the proper size.
Drywalling the Living Room 3.24 |
I noticed they were using a razor knife to trim the edges of the drywall. I went and got my 3" Stanley Sureform tool - sort of a plane with a bunch of little teeth. It makes quick work of trimming drywall edges.
Trimming An Edge 3.24 |
In this shot, they're using a chalk line to strike a center line so they can apply drywall screws accurately.
Striking A Center Line 3.28 |
And now they're driving in those screws. One piece of drywall left to go in the living room.
Screwing Down the Center Line 3.29 |
Here comes the last piece. It's not quite going to take them five minutes to do the whole thing, and they're not even hurrying.
Bringing In A New Sheet 3.31 |
Up it goes, and then on to the bedroom.
Positioning the Last Piece in the living Room 3.34 |
There's many more photos than appear in each posting. You can see all
the photos of the construction project on Flickr at: There will be new photos added
each day of the project.
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