
11 September, 2007

Our Well House Takes Shape

This morning at the crack-0-dawn (about 7:15 AM), Bob and I went over to the property after gathering some tools and lumber from his place, and began preparing our well to have a well house built around it. Actually, it's a combination well/pump house and a small trash house - locally, that's where people put their trash for easy pick up.

The pictures below show the form and rebar positioned, ready for 3 bags of cement with 4 5-gal. buckets of sand and 6 5-gal. buckets of gravel for each bag. Mix it up with the right amount of water, pour it into the form and wait for it to harden. What could be easier?
Form In Place For Our Well/Pump/Trash House
Form In Place For Our Well/Pump/Trash House
I put about 4 wheelbarrow loads of sand down around the well casing. I thought it was going to take forever before it filled up. A smallish cavity must have developed due to caving in before they put in the 8-inch pipe casing. Anyway, I got it filled.

Construction of the house will essentially be just like the way we did the septic tank.

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