As you might guess, there's a 'yes' and 'no' answer. Some things are still good, some have changed.
Currently, I use Easy Shipping to Belize, LLC for all my shipments from the States to Belize. There's two reasons I changed over to them. One, They are in Florida. California started collecting sales tax on items delivered in California - even if they were to be shipped somewhere else. Since I don't live in California, I saw no reason to pay California sales tax on items I purchased that were delivered to California-based shippers, and Second, Easy Shipping to Belize ships monthly to Belize. Their contact info is:
Amado Mena and Cherry Cadle
Easy Shipping To Belize, LLC
18340 Robinson Avenue,
Port Charlotte, Florida 33948
941-255-1031 (Office)
941-740-2576 (Cell)
501-620-5718 (Belize)email is: is the person who you generally email or talk to on the phone. Amado, shuttles between Florida and Belize. He does the deliveries here in Belize.
So, having said that, I skim through the previous posting on shipping and keep things as current as I know.
The first two ship by weight (more or less - as much as you can figure this stuff out.). They both are their own customs brokers as well.
The thing that's nice about Easy Shipping, Marage, and Roy, is that they all deliver directly to your door. Sterling has a warehouse over at Central Farm in Cayo where you have to go to pick up your goods.
Others, you have to go to the Port Authority in Belize City to pick up your stuff. That's worth doing once, just to have the experience. It's a trip. Or avoid it and keep your sanity.
1. Marage Shipping and Trucking Service
3720 South Normandie Avenue, Apt. #3
Los Angeles, CA 90007

Email: (either for Clifford, Darla, or their son, Brinston)
I've used Marage Shipping quite a bit. They come down quite frequently, by truck from LA to Houston then by ocean container to Belize, and/or by truck to Belize from LA. They act as their own customs broker.2. Roy and Son Trucking
2620 West View Street
Los Angeles, CA 90016
Nena Pascascio in LA:

Roy Pascascio's cell phone in Belize: 621-9353
Both Doug, my neighbor and I have used Roy and Son. Doug more than I have. They don't seem to ship as frequently as Marage. They used to ship by truck to Houston to a container ship to Belize. I think most of the companies truck stuff over to Florida and load onto a ship (Hyde Shipping) there. Roy also is his own customs broker.The last ships by size. I'm not sure if Sterling is their own customs broker or not.
3. Sterling Freight Systems
Energy Freight Systems
14310 Interdrive East
Suite 300
Houston, TX 77032 USA
Fax: 011-501-824-2325 (Belize)
Tel: 011-501-824-2496
Cell: 011-501-601-8479
Email Dan Roth, Operations:
Doug has used Sterling to ship a large generator (350 lbs). I haven't used them.Each district seems to have shippers located in and/or catering to that district. I can't speak to them, as I've never dealt with them. Again, I would recommend you check with other folks in the areas of Belize you are moving to, to see who they recommend.
Hope this helps.
thanks for updating that for me. It does help us a lot. We are just trying to get as much information as possible. You would be surprised as to how much information out there is outdated.
I have used Belize Freight ( on my last 3 shipments and could not be happier. They pick up in Atlanta ( as well as all over the east coast,south and southwest and deliver to my door in Hopkins and the most reasonable charges of any shipper that I have ever used to Belize.
Hi Tony,
Thanks for the comment. Another shipper to add to the list. Sounds like a pretty big operation stateside.
FYI...Marage Shipping is the Belize end of the shipping company. The LA end is now Reynolds Shipping Company. Same contact info and Brinston is the one who goes back and forth between Belize and LA. Clifford and Dorla handle the Belize end.
Well, thanks AnyMouse, for that tidbit.
I'm not sure that having essentially one company (from our perspective anyway) with two different names makes things crystal clear but whatever. If you use Marage, just be aware of the changes.
Thanks again.
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