Saturday morning, Doug and I were walking the doggies, as usual. We came upon the newly refurbished Corozal House of Culture. Since the front door was already opened, we stuck our noses in for a quick look-see.
The outside has a nice mural painted across the lower front exterior. With new landscaping and paint, the whole place is really looking nice.
The Corozal House of Culture |
The dedication plaque looks great, misspelling and all.
The Dedication Plaque |
The inside displays look really professional. We'll have to make a trip there to see everything during normal business hours. We didn't want to intrude when they weren't open, so I just snapped a few shots from the doorway.
Inside To the Left |
Inside To the Right |
One nice touch that I didn't even know was there is this great cast iron circular staircase right in the middle. It leads up to the clock tower cupola.
The Grand Staircase |
Altogether, a nice project the town can be proud of.
Hey Dave,
I remember that bldg from waiting for the Thunderbolt one early morning! It really has had a great resurrection and looks great.
After you replace your filter valve on the pool maybe you can lend your talents towards getting the clock(s) to read the same time {Not necessarily the right time, but, for starters, just all sides to read the same time. That would be a great start... lol.
It really does look good... great work!
Hi Julian,
But then, I'd have to synch these clocks with the one in Central Park, a couple of blocks away. It's never been on time either.
Too bad about the spelling error on the plaque, but everything else looks perfect. How many people are going to read all of the words on the plaque, anyway?
Hi Viv,
I used to have a friend whom I did some consulting and training with. He was notorious for his bad spelling. This was back in the days of using overhead transparencies for presentations. One of his favorite statements was, "Never trust anyone who spells something the same way twice."
I suspect there may be a lot of folks who feel the same way - or use it as an excuse.
I thought maybe it was the British spelling.
Hi Colleen,
Well, in a way... defines bourd as:
"Bourd\, n. [F. bourde fib, lie, OF. borde, bourde, jest, joke.] A jest. To jest. [Obs.] --Chaucer."
But that puts a whole different spin on things - at least in Chaucer's time it would have.
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