It's been a little while since I've stuck a Grab-Bag up here. So, I think now is as good a time as any.
A while back, I had a picture of Paloma, just having arrived on the hard and ready for a new paint job. Here it's all done, with the exception of her name on her bows. A very nice paint job, I might add.
Paloma's Nice New Paint |
She's a nice boat too, a bit more kitted-out than usual. She has built-in running lights, very unusual around here.
I saw her this morning back in the water, complete with her fancy, new name painting on her bows. Unfortunately, the light was pretty bad for getting a shot of her - maybe tomorrow.
Isidoro and his brothers Mayo and Malo are pretty much done now. About all that's left for them to do is to install the tile in the kitchen, but that cant happen till the kitchen cabinets get installed and that's about three weeks away. Thanks guys. They did a wonderful job.
Mayo, Being Self-Conscious
I'm not sure if I posted this already. Either way, it's not everyday that you see a house moving along the Norther Highway and right along the waterfront. Kind of a nice view.
Mennonite House On the Move |
I put this one together in order to make a birthday card for my friend Owen in Olympia. One of these is different than the other. Reminds me of those tests you used to have to take in school.
Hmmm... |
I've heard Ho-Ti is the patron saint of fortunetellers and bartenders. His tummy is traditionally rubbed for good luck, and there's a whole host of other things, attributes he's supposed to have or to bring you. He's a happy god, sort of the god of over-indulgence.
This back view of him I took as I was sitting and waiting for a couple of orders of fried chicken at
Chun Kong here in Corozal. They have arguably the best fried chicken in town.
Ho-Ti |
Ok, that's all for now. I've got to go do a test of our pool chemistry. Have a good and relaxing Sunday.
Thank you, Dave. We enjoy the "Sunday Morning Grab Bag." Great progress on the guest house.
Denis and Viv
Hi Dave,
Been a while, but wanted to tell you that I enjoy your progress with the guest house. It is coming together nicely.
I would still like a few shots of the yard and how your plants are looking. It is fun to go to your early posts and see the lot and then come to the present. You have done a marvelous job! You are just like me -- we both work well under close supervision!! LOL
Hi Dave n Diane,
From your pix, it looks like the side louvres (condenser air intake) on your a/c units are covered over. That will mean marginal performance at best and a cooked compressor very possibly.
See You Soon,
Jim n Gloria
John W. is delivering our house and we'll be back in Xaibe in mid July.
Hey Dave,
You haven't posted in awhile - I hope everything is all right.
Jill aka Barmy Belle (the t-shirt sender) :)
I ditto what Barmy Belle said--You OK?
D & D:
Nail down anything that moves or could move....ALEX is heading your way, so I hear. Hope everything is OK w/ you and let us know how you faired through the first hurricane of the season.
Hi Everyone,
No excuses for tardiness with posting, other than I've been totally distracted by the World Cup.
Work has been progressing on the guesthouse - I've been taking pictures. I'll try to get sort of caught up.
No problems so far with Tropical Storm Alex - he's not a hurricane yet. Doubtful if he does that by the time he's over us (tonight) that he'll be more than a TS, maybe a cat 1 hurricane, but that's probably about it.
Wind is building now at 11:45 AM, but nothing out of the ordinary. We'll let you know.
Dianna, kitties, dogs, geckos, and me are all ok. We even made it to happy hour at Jim & Melanie's last night. First time in weeks that we've done that!
I've a couple of draft postings that I'll finish first and then work at getting caught up.
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