Armageddon? Well, not quite yet, anyway. It's après the election, Wednesday, 09 November, 2016. To somewhat paraphrase Queen Elizabeth, our sovereign here in Belize, 'horrendum sit quadriennio' - the next four years could be horrible. We're hoping for better.
So, did you catch my subterfuge on the last post? I pretended the you understand. Today, on the other hand... Down in the dumps. And, that's all I'm going election outcome wasn't known - just for continuity of the story, to say here about the election.
On with our construction project.
Piping For Solar Pool Heater |
Just thought I'd include this. It's the backside of the pump house, and it's where the piping for the pool solar heating system goes in to the pump house where the 12VDC pump will be located. It's got a solar panel that will be on the pump house roof along with the coiled tubing for the heater itself. Confusing? You bet. We'll get it all sorted out in good time, I hope.
Deck Ready For Concrete and Drain |
This shot gives a good glimpse of the deck, all decked out (pun intended) with plastic and steel for the concrete coming soon, You also get a good glimpse of the drain pip with perforations - it really looks like that's how it came from the factory. In reality, each perforation was hand routed, on site.
Concrete Finally Going In |
It's a great day. Concrete is finally going on the deck. It went fairly quickly. A lot of little details to be paid attention to. The drain, needs a concrete edger run down its length, the caps for the pool rail have to be raised up out of the mud and access to the bolts that keep the railing secured have to be protected, the spa venturi jets have to be protected, etc.
Concrete Almost Done |
A long process. Plus, the screeding goes from the pool edge as its highest point, sloping back to the other edge, so water and debris will tend to not go into the pool.
You can also see, in the foreground a plastic cap protecting one of the spa jets I talked about already.
Poured, Colored, And Stamped |
This is pretty much what the deck is going to look like when its all done. It's beginning to look like we're in the final stages of the project now.
No Doggies Allowed |
The guys don't want any dog prints maring their handiwork, so they put up a barricade at either end of the deck. No access for us humans either.
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