
18 March, 2008

More 'n More

Here's what's been happening this morning.

First, Isidoro and his crew finished up with Elsie's canalside fence. Then, since Elsie's lot still needs some fine-tuning as far as leveling goes, Isidoro tasked one of his brothers to keep working there doing the final bits while the rest of the crew returned to work on Greg Perez's house across the canal from us.
Esidoro Adjusting the Gate Latch Mechanism
Abraham and crew showed up this morning with a load of 1x6 pine. Although, what passes for pine here would easily pass for much denser pitch wood up north. They're using the lumber to ensure true levels for the pour on Wednesday.
Cutting Lumber for Forms
BTW, that's a nice saw Abraham is using... It's my Rigid worm-drive. I brought it down here brand new.

Part of the floor-casting process is ensuring the fill is at the right level and that it's level too. Abraham's brother, Francisco (I always forget his name) is in charge of the final leveling and tamping, using my 40 lb. Imacasa tamping tool.
Is It Level?
Any project worth its salt needs adequate supervision. Dianna and Elsie managed that aspect of the job. Here, they're sitting on our back porch (streetside) keeping abreast of the situation.
Supervisors At Work
Once the initial blocks are in place, it's necessary then to move marl around - too high here, too low there.
Filling the Barrow
Abraham's brother, Francisco, busily tamping the marl down to the right level for a 4" pour.
40 Lbs. Doesn't Get Lighter
It's important to make sure everything is layed out correctly. Here Abraham and a worker confer on the measurements.
Was It 41 1/4" or 43"?
Of course, expert supervision must be called in. Here the girls are all conversing. Cindy, who has been everywhere this morning, is relaying what she saw.
The Girls
And some of our normal work goes on. Today is a planting day (three days before a new moon) is a good time to plant. Cody had a bunch of palms and other plants to get positioned. here, he's planting grass plugs to encourage speedy growth.
Cody, Hard At it

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