Hi, for the second time today. We're getting into the groove down here as Dianna can attest.
Dianna Relaxing and Reading |
A couple more pictures are in order. So we'll provide them for you now.
The first is a little guy, Elvin (we called him Elvis) who is the younger brother of one of the groundskeepers here at Copa Banana.
Elvin, Steven's Little Brother |
He's also a A-No. 1 guide. He rode with me on bikes to a little mercado in the village near the hotel (no name as far as I could tell.) Lots of chickens and roosters. The store was a little alcove in someone's house, but they have a pretty good selection of stuff - sort of a mini-Seven-Eleven. I bought a dozen Belikin Beers, and bought Elvin a Coke in a bag... Something I'd never heard of before. The shopkeeper took a bottle of Coke and poured it into a plastic bag and stuck a straw in it. Kind of a neat idea. Why didn't we have anything like that when we were kids, instead of trying to ride with a glass bottle in hand.
When we got back to the hotel, I tipped Elvin $1.00 BZ (about fifty cents, US). He was happy.
The next photo is of Elsie, our housekeeper here. And she does an excellent job too.
Elsie, the Housekeeper |
Well, I'm done for now. Now it's Dianna's turn.
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