
22 April, 2007

Gamboling and Gambling in the Corozal Free Zone

Hey, we went to the "Free Zone" last night. That's an economic area north of Corozal, right on the border with Mexico. There's several large casinos and all kinds of stores to entice Mexicans to come to Belize and spend copious amounts of money.

Ten of us went to the biggest casino, the Las Vegas, via their free van, had a nice dinner and gamboled (well, we gamboled a bit, but we also gambled).

It costs $37.50BZ to exit the country, but the casino reimburses you that as long as you plan to gamble. They don't care if you gambol or not, but they'll only reimburse you if you gamble.

Coming back to Corozal, there is no cost, and the free van hauled us back to the hotel.

Once we get our residency, then there is a much smaller fee to exit the country (I think like about $5.50BZ).

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