
08 October, 2016

Couple of Better Days Are Coming

That'd be Saturday and Sunday. That must mean this is Friday 07 October, 2016.

Corner Form Almost Done
Things just keep moving right along with the project. They're going to do the pour for the chain today. It'll be another full day.

Lots of Little Things Still To Do
And here it's underway. A bit of a balancing act up on top of the forms.

The Pour Rounds Turn One
The pour is  moving right along. It didn't get started as early as Endher though it would. he was hoping for around 10:30 AM, or so. The pour actually got going a little after 1:30 PM.

Tough Passing Buckets of Concrete
It's tough on the North wall passing those full buckets. There's not a lot of room to maintain one's balance.

Empty Ones Are Another Matter
On the other hand, getting rid of empties is relatively easy, just toss and it's gone.

More and More
Even though the chain form looks kinda small, it still takes a lot of buckets of concrete to get the job done.

Last Couple of Buckets Full
The pour is almost done. Endher is topping up the last little bit. and it's just now nudging 4:00PM. A good effort to get it done for the usual quitting time.

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