Getting Ready to Cast the Beam
Day Twenty Seven, 30 October, 2015
Here's the poop: "The roof is coming over like so, and everything must be perfect before we cast the chain." The project according to George. And, he's pretty much right, too.
The Roof Comes Over Like So |
I got up on the roof-top again to give you that bird's-eye look again. As you can see, here the forms are about half done. Work has been progressing steadily to get to the point of being ready to cast.
Roof-Top View Of the Project |
The closet in our bedroom will have a cast ceiling, giving us a small storage area above the closet. Here, they're just about ready to pour it.
Our Closet Will Have Its Own Ceiling. |
This wall from the 'sitting room' in the original Pool House, will be going away. We'll reuse the window somewhere else in the house.
Wall Between Dining Room and Living Room. |
Back up on the roof again. The remaining PVC tubes in the old roof drains have been knocked out.The hole you see here will be filled in and a new one made just about at the left end of the PVC tube.
Roof Drain Pipe Progress |
I mentioned that Carlos was still working on the dog pen. Here's a photo
of his work finalizing those blocks. Looks pretty spiffy, if I do say
so myself.
Dog Run End Walls |
The girls, as you can see, are really excited about the new gate for their run.
Nice New Gate for the Doggie Run |
As you can probably tell by the glance from Deeohgee, They're not totally, one-hundred-percent sold on the idea of using a pen, and having a chainlink gate. At this stage, they are more comfortable with the chain. Although, I do think the odds are changing in favor of the run. Time will tell.
Deeohgee Looking Doubtful |
There's many more photos than appear in each posting. You can see all
the photos of the construction project on Flickr at: There will be new photos added
each day of the project.
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