The past few mornings, this morning being no exception, our cats have been stoned out of their gourds thanks in no small part to our neighbors, Doug and Twyla, forcing fresh catnip on our kitties. Catnip is just one of many fruits, flowers and veggies they're growing at their place just up the road from us.
Midas In the Groove |
Midas, who's now 20 years old, spends most of his time sleeping, with a foray out for some food, or the occasional sips of Belikin (from the bottle, thank you - not a saucer), really got into things (as you can see above) this morning with the fresh catnip I brought back from walkies with the dogs.
Miss Blue, Maintaining Quite Well |
Miss Blue, who's getting up there as well (she's about 14 now) spent part of the morning rolling, rolling and rubbing her face all over the catnip. Here, she's looking quite normal. Right after I took the shot, it was back on the floor, and roll, roll, roll, just having a great time with no care in the world.
On the other hand, some animals here just don't have the opportunities that are available to ours. For example. This morning during 'walkies', it was 'bone day'. That's when we go to the butcher and pick up about 10 pounds of bones for the doggies. Of course, they have to carry the bones back, along with all the mail, fruit, veggies, bread, sweet rolls and meat pies we might happen to pick up on the walk. Not all at the same time, of course, but it's not unusual for the doggies to have to carry something in their packs.
So, we stop at the butcher's and I order 10 pounds of bones. While I'm waiting for the bones to be chopped and bagged into four separate bags (so the load can be balanced between the two girls, I spied the resident mouser at the market, waiting patiently for something to fall off the counter.
Market Kitty Waiting |
Twyla said she also has a brood of kittens hidden away somewhere in the market area. No catnip treats for this little mother. She really has to work for a living.
I do not know about Miss Blue looking "quite normal". I have never seen Miss Blue's eyes as wide and dilated as that before! Midas just looks like he is having a most excellent dream. Must have been high quality Belizean catnip you have there.
Hi Dave!
We are fellow USA transplants living here in Corozal....Ranchito actually (met you at Lano's one day). I came upon this post while searching for catnip. Where is you neighbor getting the seeds to grow it? I have 5 cats that we brought with us and they are MISSING their catnip!!! I can't find a company that can send the seeds here. Would you mind asking your neighbors? Thanks so much!
Hi Bambi,
I think she might have brought some with her, I don't know for sure.
I'll ask Twyla if her catnip has produced any seeds yet. I'm sure she'd be willing to share some with you. I'm hoping we can get some as well.
I'll let you know as soon as I can. We wouldn't want any kitties to go through withdrawals, now would we?
Thanks Dave! I have been trying to find a place I can buy the seeds, and no one will deliver to here. Very frustrating! My cats are cranky, and definitely need their attitudes adjusted! It's been 4 months since they have had their "fix", and 3 of the cats are CRANKY old ladies, so the sooner the better! LOL
Thanks again! Cheers!
till waiting to hear from you.
Hi Bambi,
I checked just this morning. Twyla's catnip is getting close to seeding but isn't there yet.
I'll let you know as soon as I can get some seeds myself.
I emailed you some more info.
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