
05 June, 2008

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary

Gosh, it seems like only yesterday that we got together to pool our money so we could go to Germany. We were young and in love.

I remember she kept borrowing money from me. I had to marry her to make sure I got my money back. Now, it's thirty-five years later and I never did get it back.

We got married on Dianna's birthday. Made it convenient for me - only one date to remember. Heaven forbid if I ever forgot!

I just got an email from friends back in Olympia. Y'know, these crazy people even celebrate Dianna's Birthday (and our anniversary) when we're not there! This photo is of some of our friends at our favorite restaurant in Olympia, Tugboat Annie's, wishing Dianna a happy birthday.
We Miss Everyone - Good Times!
That's Owen and Sandy on the left, Don and Shelly on the right and behind them, some of the nicest waitresses anywhere. Oh yeh, there's even a couple of magicians who do great table magic on Thursdays - which is when we usually went to Tugboat's. Thanks. We miss each and every one of you more than you know. Well, probably not enough to move back up there, but, you know...

Well, enough of all that. I went to some website that listed the various anniversaries. For the 35th, they suggested coral jewelery, coral this, and coral that. Well, that surprised me as not being very environmentally concerned. But, they also said that a trip to the Caribbean would be remembered for a lifetime. Hey, perfect. "Happy Anniversary, Honey"! Ain't it great, we live in paradise, and coincidentally, it just happens to make the perfect anniversary present. I love it.

I did get Dianna a birthday gift - a book of mystery short stories. It's newly published and shipped down here by Now, that may not seem like that big of a deal till you realize, just how big a deal books are down here. Somebody gets a new book and people start drooling and looking for a way to be next in line to read it.

It's really hard to believe that we've been together for thirty-five years. I mean, we're not that old... Are we?

Probably the greatest gift for Dianna and me is that very soon now we'll be finally unpacking the boxes that are left in the big truck. That'll seem like Christmas, birthdays, etc., all rolled into one. I know we've forgotten a lot of what we brought down here.

Anyway, I just want to say "Happy birthday, Dianna." You're still a young girl to me. "Happy anniversary too. I'm just amazed you've put up with me for this long. Here's to the next thirty-five.

All my love,


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sis. Love Edward or at home, Happy 35th!!!

loridean said...

Happy belated BDAY Dianna!! Happy 35th to you both. We actually have friends that have been married THAT long?!?!
