Pack up the beach towels and grab your long johns, baby! Winter's here.
Both last night and tonight the mercury plunged down to 64 (f) (that's 17.8 Celsius for you metric-minded folk). This evening, Dianna put both the blanket AND a quilt on the bed! And yesterday, riding my scooter, I actually got goose-bumps It was tempting to dig into the truck and try to see if I had packed a jacket.
We had a north wind all day yesterday, so that kept things cool. When sunset occurred, you could really feel the chill in the air. Does this mean we're acclimatizing? Or, maybe we've already done that and have moved beyond - whatever that would be. In any case, it's cold! I think I know why there's a difference - with our 97% humidity, ours is a "wet" cold, and for you folks up north, it's a "dry" cold.
I'll try to keep that in mind next time I'm huddled in my blanket watching CNN weather and seeing that it's 34 (f) in Olympia or, Heaven forbid - 0 (c) in Calgary. You lot have a "dry" cold whereas ours is a "wet" cold.
If this keeps up, I may have to dig out an actual pair of jeans to wear - at least in the early mornings...
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