Bits and Pieces, Tiling, RO, Doors, Attic Access, Wiring, Latches, Painting, Threshold, Vent Cover
Day Ninety-Six and Ninety-Seven, 01-02 February, 2016
It's getting harder to keep track of things. Individual projects are getting smaller and of shorter duration, as might be expected, nearing the end of the construction. For example, just tracking how things are beginning to move through the house. The toilet has now advanced to the living room, where it was joined by the front door latch and deadbolt kit.
New Toilet and Front Door Lock Have Made It to Living Room |
Likewise, the bathroom vanity has made it into the living room, along with one of the nightstands that Dianna had tiled a few years ago.
Bathroom Vanity On the Move |
Just behind the nightstand is the new front door. The hardware has yet to match-up with the door.
Front Door and Night Stand in Living Room |
The headboard has made it into the dining room. I just located the plastic baggie containing the lag screws and washers we had originally used to secure it to the bed frame.
Headboard In the Dining Room |
Small projects continued - the roll-up buttons need to be reversed so that UP is on top, instead of on the bottom. The case needs to be painted the same as the wall. That green does make it easy to find.
Roll-up Door Buttons Need Paint and Reversing |
One of the louvers from the original pool house was re-installed in the bedroom. The filled concrete space under the louver, needs to be lowered just a smidge almost in the center to allow the louver to close completely.
Old Louver Needs Concrete Removed to Close Properly |
Whenever Omar gets a chance, he works on the shower tile project. It seems he's always in demand and is frequently pulled off of this job.
Shower With Bling Tile |
Here's a little better view of the band of bling in the shower.
More Bling in the Shower |
I had just finished hooking up the reverse osmosis system. Colored tubing seeming to go everywhere. There are two tubes that go through the wall into the kitchen. One (clear or white color) goes to the fancy tap mounted on the sink in the kitchen. the black tube is connected via a collar to the kitchen sink waste line, where the waste material that didn't pass through the RO membrane gets sent.
This system is as good as any of the commercial water bottling plants, just smaller. It uses a five-stage filtration process, including two carbon filters, UV filter, the pass-through membrane, and a last carbon polishing filter, before it is sent to the kitchen tap for drinking.
We can finally get rid of the five-gallon bottles in the kitchen. We'll purchase filled bottles and put them downstairs in the Mennonite house as part of our emergency supplies.
RO Tubing As Hooked Up |
The next time I came through, the front door is attached and has all it's components mounted and functioning. Looking good too.
We Have A Locking Front Door |
The attic has presented a bit of a challenge. For one, getting into the attic requires somewhat of a flexible body (read 'younger') to climb up a tall step ladder, then transition over to the upper closet shelf and squirm through the opening and up into the attic itself.
It might be worthwhile to think about installing one of those folding attic stairway kits at some point in the future.
Attic Entry Getting Finished Nicely |
Up in the attic itself, there were a few details that needed tending to. Such as too few junction boxes, covers for some junction boxes, and lack of wire nuts to join wire segments together.
Missing Wire Nuts and Covers |
A Couple Instances of Messy Wiring |
Some Caulking Gaps in end Panels |
All the attic issues were speedily corrected. I did note that the attic insulation really does work. It's hot up there, but the house itself stays nice and cool.
Overall, the Attic Was Very Neat and Professional |
About the pocket door latch hardware. When the latch lever is turned, a deadbolt-looking affair comes out of the door into the jam, and a small, tooth is extended out the side, that engages the jamb plate, providing a locking function.
Also in the deadbolt piece, at the end, is a spring-actuated finger pull to pull the door out of its position in the storage part of the jamb.
Pocket Door Locking Latch |
Omar has been able to make significant progress in the shower tiling. It's really looking Nice.
Shower Tiling Coming Along Too |
Errol did a first-rate job of painting the roll-up door cover and tracks to match the walkway wall color. It won't stand out near as much as it did in the chocolate primer paint.
Roll-up Painted Nicely |
We now have a nice threshold in place to mask the transition from the kitchen tile to the dining room. There ended up being a bit more than a quarter-of-an-inch difference between the two.
Threshold Between Kitchen and Dining Room |
The utility, storage, laundry, freezer, pantry, etc., room now has an
elephant trunk dryer vent tube in place.
Dryer Vent Tubing Ready |
The RO system now has its tubing under control and appears much less complicated.
RO Tubing Corraled |
The washer connection and drain is all finished and ready for use.
Washer Connection Done |
There's many more photos than appear in each posting. You can see all
the photos of the construction project on Flickr at: There will be new photos added
each day of the project.
Our toilet is in the living area, too. :-)
Hi Wilma,
Our terlet finally made it to the bathroom. It's all hooked up, but we haven't turned on the water yet, because the water heater fitting has a leak (might be fixed by now). I've been in town most of the morning.
Almost time for the fat lady to sing.
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