Today Really is the Day - Casting the Beam
Day Thirty, 03 November, 2015
It really did happen this morning. The girls and I opened the gates at 5:30 AM, as we had promised. Everyone promptly showed up at 6:35 AM of Carl's crew. The Machine crew showed up about 7:15 AM. Actually pretty good for an election day here in Belize. It's a major National election. We could have the same government by the end of the day, or it could be a new one. We'll just have to watch the streaming on
Que Pasa Corozal ( we don't have cable TV. Or maybe listen to
Love FM (
Enough of the plugs for the fifth estate. As you can see below, the guys are getting ready to pour the chain. All is in position, and the players are all ready.
Getting Set To Pour the Chain |
Omar grabbed the hose for a bit from the guys at the machine and wet down the forms so that they don't leach out too much water as the concrete sets.
Omar Wetting the Forms |
Omar, being the perfectionist that he is, was busy as a one-armed paper hanger, checking everything possible in the forms.
Omar Checking Polyducto |
Here goes the first bucket of concrete into the form. It does tend to get to be a sloppy operation, but overall, they are quite careful with the materials.
Pouring Carefully |
Here you can see they're stuffing bits of cement bag paper down into the forms in various places where the fit isn't quite as tight as it should be.
Using Cement Bag Parts to Fill Gaps in forms |
The machine crew comes prepared. They even bring their own homemade ladders
Manuvering One of Their Ladders |
The ballet around the machine is in full swing and goes continuosly until the pour is completed.
Loading Up the Machine |
Using a prybar to lift the rebar gently, to ensure the concrete settles down with as few air gaps as possible.
Prying Up the Rebar So It Settles in Middle |
Even in construction, the politics of the day is evident. UDP, the United Democratic Party (red colors), is one of the major parties contesting the election today. The other is the People's United Party (blue colors). There is another party, the Belize Progressive Party (green colors).
Politics Even on the Worksite |
Much of our crew's activities during the pour is to ensure that the pour goes without a hitch and that everything is in the forms and smooth.
Smoothing Out the Pour |
Again, Omar is busy with some last minute adjustments to the forms.
Omar Making Final Adjustments |
Not only do these guys hump buckets, that when filled, weigh a bit over 110 lbs, but they have to have the agility to climb ladders and climb onto the forms themselves, with a full bucket, in order to deliver the concrete to the right part of the form.
Balance and Poise While Pouring |
Sometimes, it's easy. Just climb and it's a straight pour. Other times, it's a bit rougher.
Another Bucketload Going In |
I mentioned about the cement bag paper filling gaps. Here's what really aligns the forms with the blocks. Tying wire and wedges placed all over the pour really pull things together.
Tying Wire and Wedges Bind forms Tightly |
And there's always a piece of wood or something to use to massage the mix to help get rid of air gaps.
Getting Rid of Air Gaps |
Sometimes, usually right around a turn, like here, things can get a bit congested.
Another Bucket Load |
Making final preparations on the forms barely can keep ahead of the guys doing the pour.
Preparing and Pouring |
Once in a while a bucket become airborne as that load is deposited and the bucket tossed to the ground.
Finished With That Bucket |
Here Omar is measuring for the anchors. It's critical that they be placed just so, as the spacing of the trusses, affects the roofing materials and so much more.
Omar Measuring for the Anchors |
Omar has the first of the anchors in hand and ready to position it in the concrete.
Ready to Position the First Anchor |
Pushing Anchor into Concrete |
And, there it goes. Sunk about six inches in and with five inches still above.
Just About Perfect Placement |
There's a break in the action as FatBoy, the Sandwich or Breakfast Man shows up. He's always popular. Dianna and I have eaten sandwiches he and his family prepare several times.
FatBoy the Breakfast Man |
Omar and George take a moment to discuss how they're going to proceed with the pour. They better hurry. The guys humping the buckets move fast.
Omar and George Discussing the Pour |
Faster than you might think. Here, they're using two ladders simultaneously to accomplish the pour. They've double-teamed our crew!
Two Ladders At A Time |
At one point, the machine guys got ahead of the bucket carriers, so the Maestro (red shirt) took advantage of the lull to climb up and see how the pour was going. He's called the Maestro because he's in charge of the machine and directs all the activities associated with it. The name always reminds me of that Seinfeld episode for some reason.
Maestro Checking Out the Pour |
You can see the anchors all lined up along the whole length. In a few days, they'll be bolted to each of the trusses. Then it'll look like we're really getting somewhere.
Anchors All the Way |
One of the last areas to get poured is the middle sections. But still, it's no less work.
Pouring the Middle |
Here's a shot showing a run that is almost finished.
Nearing the End of this Run |
Once the pour was finished, the machine crew cleaned up and departed. Carl's crew stuck around and really cleaned up the work area, and then filled up our trash bin with the empty cement bags, before departing to go vote. They finished roughly about 10:30 AM. A good day's work all around. Thanks Guys.
There's many more photos than appear in each posting. You can see all
the photos of the construction project on Flickr at: There will be new photos added
each day of the project.
Looking good! And familiar... ;-) Check out our "big pour" here
and here
Hi Wlma,
Thanks for the nice comment, and the links too. Your place is looking spectacular.
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