Here's an update on our planter boxes.
I've mentioned them in earlier posts. You can see those posts at ( I called them 'planter tables' then.
So, here they are pretty much done. All that remains is to finish filling them with a nice mix of red or black dirt - always depending on what's available. Right now, it's red dirt. We mix that, more or less 2:1, two buckets dirt to one bucket wood chips.
All Four - Ready to Fill |
Here's the first one, filled to the rim. I still have some stuff to do. Like re-routing a water faucet so that there's a handy spigot right there.
First Box Filled |
This view just shows the planter box legs.
Showing the Structure |
I thought someone was watching us. Sure enough Secret has a new cool spot to hang out in. This was originally discovered by Cindy, but Secret appears to have usurped the shady space.
A New Hidey-Hole |
Three of the boxes are about one-foot deep - plenty for most veggie needs. This one, on the other hand, is about twice that depth and is more suited to crops requiring more depth for their roots.
One Deep One - For Root Crops |
This photo shows the interior detail. I painted the inside of each box with
UGL DRYLOK Basement/Masonry Waterproofer. I've used it before, here and in the States. It does a great job, as long as you don't expect miracles. The reason we put in on is since we were going to paint the outsides, we felt that we needed to waterproof the insides so that the paint would stick to the outsides.
I had part of a gallon of latex Drylok, so used that as far as it went. Then, went to
Villa's and got a gallon of Oil-based Drylok. The application was about the same for both products.
You'll notice the little grey squares inside the box. That's nylon screen fabric that I've put over the drain holes in each box. To help (I hope) keep the dirt from escaping from the boxes.
Showing Water-Proofing Paint and Screens |
I'm sneaking in a small but related project here. It's a compost bin and a pad for a future cistern. We're going to pour the pad as a single unit for ease. Then, we'll add walls to make the separate bins for the compost area.
Compost Bin & Cistern Pad - Soon Come |
And finally, here's Dianna, looking pretty proud of her new garden area. She's taking a break working with Cody to fill the boxes and making sure the mix of dirt and wood chips is right.
I know what she's thinking too. It's time for a shower, some lunch, and then it's... Pool Time!
Dianna Taking A Break During Filling |
Those are awesome planter boxes! Back-saving and should hold up for a good long time. Nice job!
Hi Emily,
Thanks for the nice comment. I hope you're right. We're pretty excited about them right now.
I totally love those planters. Phil is in Belize right now working, but I forwarded the link to him to show him what he needed to build for me! LOL!
Hi Cat,
I'm glad you like them, but I sure didn't mean to add to Phil's workload.
Have a nice weekend.
I am very glad that I (I hope) have built my last planter box and that all major projects in my house and yard are done. That is one nice thing about a patio home... not a whole lot of room.
Great job as usual Dave. I'm amazed how much you get done before lunch and pool time.
Take care,
Hi Julian,
I think with the compost bin/cistern pad that our lot has just about run out of room too.
I'm glad you like the planter boxes. I'd be happy to claim all the credit for all of our projects, but I've got a confession. I have had and continue to have, some very talented workers assisting me (or is it the other way around?). I do make a pretty fair Gofer. And to be totally fair, Dianna has come up with a lot of the ideas herself, not that that keeps me from steeling them now and then.
Lunch and especially pool time are both great drivers toward a speedy and efficient work ethic. - well, that and there's always the chance that the Cubbies are having a day game that necessitates an afternoon in front of the tube.
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