
08 March, 2012

Belizean Coasties in Town

The other morning as we were walking the doggies, as we came up to the Thunderbolt pier, what did we spy but a Belize National Coast Guard (BNCG) Response Boat-Small (RB-S) tied up just in front of the Thunderbolt.

Of course, 'small' is a relative term. I mean, this thing has three 300-horse Mercs of the back end, for a total of 900 horsepower. Enough oomph to at least get it up on plane in a frickin' hurry, if nothing else.

This is an early model of the RB-S - type boats that entered US Coast Guard service a bit more than ten years ago. It's good to see them showing up here and being put to good use - as long as the BNCG can keep the motors from being stolen - which has been a problem once or twice.
Count Em - 900 Horses
Rooting Around in the Forward Locker
Utrinque Paratus - The BNCG motto, which means literally, 'Prepared on Both Sides'. The more common interpretation is 'Prepared for Anything', which makes more sense to me.
Altogether, a well-found boat, purpose built to take a pounding and able to handle itself well in seas up to around 10 to 11 feet.
View of the Fore-Deck
Go get 'em Coasties!

1 comment:

JRinSC said...

Wonder just what speed that bad boy would get up to?? Neat.. except I'd hate to foot the gas bill!!

Why don't you ask them for a quick ride over to Cerros and back... that would be good PR for them!

Thanks as always... things are starting to bloom up here so I won't envy you quite as much for the next 5 or 6 months.

Take care,
