I admit it. Just like if you wash your car on Friday, it'll cause rain for the weekend, I tempted the fates. It hadn't been very warm (as in too freakin' cold to use the pool, lately), so I took it upon myself to tackle another DIY project.
This one, a pool-side towel rack, was just asking for trouble.
Towel Racks At The Start |
The idea was, sort of sub-consciously, that if I took my time building it, things would get warmer and we'd be outside using the pool. It's been like a month or so since we've been in the pool. The water temperature has been hovering around the low to mid 70's.
Well, that didn't work out quite the way I planned. Since I finished the towel rack, the temperatures have gone even lower!
Completed, Painted & Working |
In fact, since I put the rack out on the pool deck yesterday, the low temperature last night was 51.6 (f). Go ahead and laugh, but I'll bet where you live (if it's up north), when the temp gets down to 51, you stroll over to the wall and adjust the thermostat, your furnace kicks on, and you stay comfortable. Ha!
When you have shorts to wear, a sweatshirt or two and socks, 51 is chilly. I even wore gloves along with my fleece hoody this morning to walk the dogs. It's almost 2:30 PM and I still have a sweatshirt on.
Anyway, the towel rack did turn out cool looking. If and when it does warm up, it'll be a nice addition to the pool. The blue color matches the pool house to a T too.
Goose bumps and all
I like the towel rack, Dave. We came to Georgia (from Minnesota and 3 feet of snow) to visit my Mom for Christmas. And wouldn't you know - it was the first white Christmas here since 1831! Can we blame that on you too? ;-)
Hi Wilma,
Sure, my shoulders are broad enough. Wow, since 1831 - quite a dry spell. That's worse than Boston's wait for a World Series!
Hope you had a good Christmas. Here's to a great New Year.
The Breadman says: Baketh ye some bread! It will warm the kitchen then warm the body!
Yea, verily. Thy will be done as upon the counter and in the kitchen. Loaves will be commenced on the morrow, good Sir.
We wouldn't mind a little snow now and again, but it never happens here. Didn't even feel like Christmas in N. TX. We cranked up the a/c and had a (brisk) swim today. High heat and humidity here is just as bad as it is in central America, but we envy you your sea breeze.
Have another happy year in 2011.
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