
06 August, 2010

Fixing Stuff

Or, Why is there always time to do something over again, but there never seems to be enough to do it right the first time around?
A/C Units Being Installed - Incorrectly
The first time, I had the guys make holes just big enough for each A/C unit - they're different sizes as well.

What I didn't do was the following, as pointed out by JimXaibe (of Jim and Gloria) on a blog comment he made on June 20, when he said "...From your pix, it looks like the side louvres (condenser air intake) on your a/c units are covered over. That will mean marginal performance at best and a cooked compressor very possibly..."

Since we didn't have current to the A/C units right then, I wasn't too concerned about it then. But, a couple of days later, we did have current. Naturally, we ran each unit to make sure they actually put out cold air, which they did. Well, as soon as we felt the cold air we turned them off and kept them unplugged so no one would fire the little buggers up and fry the units.

It took this long till we could have the guys cut some 45º notches in the side of each vertical wall surrounding the A/C units. Mayo still has to paint the concrete, but the units should be able to breathe now with no problem. Jim, thanks for an alert "Hey, dumbshit!" call on that. I appreciate it.
A/C Units All Fixed
Here's a shot of one of the units, all fixed except for the painting.
Next fix-it thing, well, actually it's a new installation, is for the door latching mechanism that Owen sent to me. Of course, after I got this done, I got word that the missing latches had finally showed up in Florida.
New Screen Door Latch
Here's the new latch with a crystal knob, no less.
The Other Side
This really classes up the operation here. Totally upscale. And, it works like a charm. No more of the door blowing open in a strong wind.

Well, that's all I have for right now. The guys are almost done with the guesthouse, so I'll take some shots of it while it's still clean and sparkly-like and post those later.

1 comment:

sandy a. said...

we got our whole house surge suppressor installed in our house a couple days ago. I feel better knowing our appliances are protected!! thanks for the blog post about yours that got me to install ours!