I just thought everyone would appreciate a bit of a palliative to put the day to come into perspective.
Just Before Sunrise In Corozal |
As you sit and sip your Americano, Battery Acid, Bean Juice, Black Gold, Black Tea, Brain Juice, Brew, C8H10N4O2 (for the more chemically minded), Caffe, Caffeine, Carbon remover, Cuppa, Daily Energy, Daily Grind, Daily Infusion, Day-Starter, Decaf, Drip, Fix, Fix, Gasoline, Go Juice, God's Blessing, High Octane, High Test, Jamoke, Java, Jet Fuel, Jitter Juice, Jo, Joe, Jolt, Juan Valdez's Best, Leaded, Lifeblood, Lightning, Liquid Energy, Mojo, Morning, Morning Thunder, Mother’s Little Helper (for the Stones fans), Mud, Muddy Water, Murk, Plasma, Poison, Regular, Rocket Fuel, Tar, Tea, Turpentine, Unleaded, Vitamin C, Wakey Juice, Warmer Upper, just take a moment to peruse the two images and feel yourself get into that special place and remember, this is why you're still working - to get here.
No Eyes Tied Up At Sunrise |
How relaxing it feels, how fulfilling and self-sustaining...
Now, get up, take a deep breath, get to work and tear 'em up! Yeah!
That is just downright cruel, you know. I am getting close, retiring at the end of THIS month!! That makes my first day of freedom happen to be APRIL FOOL'S DAY - What a coincidence!!!
My wife might not retire for another year or so - so no plans at the moment. I'll just keep following you guys around..
Hi Julian,
I didn't do it to be cruel. Just think of it as... Well, you've seen the ad with the two guys at the vending machines. One says "It's motivational speaker Monday," and the other says "Oooh, I hate to miss it, but it's Jolly Roger Monday..."
So, just think of this as your motivational speaker Wednesday. It'll help you stay focused on the mission. Screw all that work oriented team-building and touchy-feely stuff.
Have your morning coffee, help your wife get off to her work day (wash the dishes and make the bed - that'll score points). When she comes home, you can each have a cold micro-brew or two (I do miss all the micros).
Before you know it, that "year or so" will be done and you won't have to follow us around - you'll be busy figuring out what you really need to bring and packing the remainder.
Then, one day, and it'll go fast, you'll find yourself, grinning like an idiot as the Immigration Officer asks you "Mr. Julian, how long do you plan to stay here in Belize?"
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