
26 October, 2007

Same As Yesterday, Only More So

Well, we still need Marlon Perkins, but we'll get to that in a minute.

Here's the latest on the construction front. The Maginot Line (sorry, wrong front) is going up smoothly. Al four courses have been placed on our part of the fence. This evening, Isidoro will put in the first of the chain link fabric to a corner post and pour the corner post. That'll be fun to watch.
Our Fence Almost Ready For Chain Link
Block work has now moved over to Elsie's part of the fence. Isidoro is definitely the king of brick masons around here. He's fast and does it right.
Esidoro Trimming a Block
And Then Buttering It
The first course is well underway on Elsie's part of the fence.
The View Down the Line
Now, here's why we need Marlon Perkins. Finally, we get to see one of the neighborhood crocodiles. No tick-tock of the clock however. He's taken advantage of the sunny weather and is basking on the bank behind our duplex, not too far from where Dianna and Lynn (along with Robert, our next-door neighbors) hang the laundry.
Just Lazin' Away On A Sunny Afternoon
From A Little Farther Away
Some more views of him doing more of the same.
Our Neighborhood Has the Strangest Pets
I thought about trying to get closer for a better shot, but decided I'd wait till I can break out the good camera and lenses.
Mouthfull of Bad-Assery

1 comment:

Vivien said...

I just looked at the pictures of the crocodile. Very impressive shots and bigger than I expected.